Dangermuffin and Yarn @ Willow Tree, Johnson City, TN

Dangermuffin and Yarn @ Willow Tree, Johnson City, TN
On Friday, Jan 20th Johnson City's Willow Tree celebrated it's 3rd year in business by bringing Dangermuffin and Yarn to the venue for an enthusiastic celebration of great music.

Willow Tree owner Teri Butler Dosher told the exuberant crowd when introducing Yarn for their set, "Yarn was the Willow Tree's grand opening band... and they've been back for our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year (anniversaries) as well." Let's all hope the tradition continues.

Dangermuffin began the night with an inspired set that included several of their live staples as well as songs from the forthcoming album "Heritage". Dangermuffin is a great band, and a perfect fit to share any stage with Yarn for a night.

Yarn played an inspiring 20 song set that included a stunning version of Prince's "Purple Rain" and a collaboration with Dangermuffin for the Grateful Dead's "Franklin's Tower". As lead singer Blake Christiana stated when introducing the song "This Is The Year"...."2016 was a weird year. 2017 feels great so far." If the scorching show they played at the Willow Tree was an indication of what to expect from the band  2017, Yarn has a LOT to look forward to!

- Tim Hobert (photos & text)

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