Yamagata - Eveland CD

Yamagata is a Memphis based groove fusion band consisting of high-energy guitars and soft melodic horns that wax and wane around intricate rhythmic fireworks. Yamagata has been together for three years with one studio album, "Eveland" which builds a perfect bridge for the ear to learn and know the songs that are played to psychedelic explosiveness on stage. Yamagata pulls from a wide range of influences giving it's sound the ability to morph like a musical amoeba from show to show absorbing guest musicians and local influences into a down-home sound that comes straight from the heart. Yamagata will leave you breathless.

"The Bluff City's answer to Medeski, Martin, and Wood" - Mountain Xpress

"Yamagata put forth an instrumental barrage filled with a roller coaster ride of dynamics, and took what started as a small semi-interested bunch to a crowd cheering their lungs out and hanging on to each note." - Memphis Dateline

"...the music in some manners eludes categorization within the jazz, rock, or funk idioms, because at times it is only one, or all three simultaneously." - Jambands.com

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