Home Grown Music Network's own Lee Crumpton and Chris Robie have joined the advisory board for The North Carolina Musician's Medical Association. (NCMMA) is a 501(c)(3) organization being established to provide medical assistance to musicians in times of emergency. The NCMMA is also working to help support artists find affordable health care coverage. Time and again we see musicians who are devastated by serious injury or life-threatening illnesses. The NC music community once again demonstrated their terrific track record of pulling together to support those so deeply in need.
Numerous campaigns are being planned to raise funds for the NCMMA medical emergencies fund. The first campaign is the new Raleigh Music Industry Asscociation member rewards program. The rewards program will allow RMIA members discounts to special events, retail purchases, entertainment opportunities and dining throughout The Triangle. Members will have the opportunity to also receive concert tickets offered to the association by bands and promoters from across the country. Membership dues for this program are only $20 per year. RMIA has pledged to donate 50% of all its membership dues (personal/business/artist & band) to support the NCMMA medical emergency fund for North Carolina Musicians.