Muruga Booker - One Global Village CD

This album features the Global Village Ceremonial Band, which consists of dozens of musicians from all over the world. The result is a trancendental fusion of spiritual rhythms, modern sounds, and ancient harmony. Instruments includedrum kit, drum machine, synthesizer, bass, clarinet, vocals, harmonica, computer loops, saxaphone, guitar, and more!

1- Wanna Dance mp3
2- Let My People Play mp3
3- Light Of The Spirit mp3
4- Govinda Jaya Jaya mp3
5- Find The Peace And Love Inside mp3
6- Selfadelic Funk mp3
7- Afro Pearl Blue mp3
8- Prayerful Drums mp3
9- Global Village Party mp3
10- One Global Village mp3
11- The Thought Of You mp3
12- Blue Hill Ocean Dance mp3